The big news this week was of course the Fed’s latest rate hike of 75 basis points and their summary of economic projections. That makes it 300 basis points so far this year. 25 in March, 50 in May, 75 in June, 75 in July, and now 75 in September. This has all been quite a shock to the system …
What College Students Need to Know About Money
College represents a time of independence in a young adult’s life. It may be the first time that your child has almost complete control over their own finances. From deciding how to use their spending money to deciphering student loan options, it can be difficult for students to adjust to the financial side of college living. But it’s a great …
One Day at a Time
This week has been another week of gains as the market tries to make it a 4th week in a row finishing in the green. If it does, that would make it a nice month-long rally which, so far, has been great to see.
Weekly Comments: “Easy Does It”
On the heels on last week’s trifecta news from the Fed raising rates 75 bps, GDP coming in at -0.9% and a barrage of earnings reports led by big tech, this week seems to be more of a breather where the market is taking an “Easy Does It” approach as it continues to try and work itself into another positive finish on the week.